'; document.write(s); }

In October 2004, LYCOS announced that web sites with less than 50 "hits" per month will be deleted - unless you pay �2.49 per month for web hosting.

They had already plastered the non-paying web sites with huge banner adverts last year!

Well, Solihull NHW said "Goodbye" to Lycos - and "thanks for nothing."

We were then hosted on Fortunecity  - Still with ads I'm afraid, and they became worse!

- the penalty for using free web space !

Apologies for all  the re-directions!

We are now hosted on the NATIONAL  NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH's webspace.


Click the picture or the link below to be taken to the Solihull N.H.W. Web Site.

 Go to new location for Solihull N.H.W. Web Site.

